Our Top 10 Posts of 2013

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Today, I rounded up our top 10 homeschool posts of 2013. It was so fun to see what people read the most!

top 10 homeschool posts of 2013

  1. The Free List- this page is the home base for all the free online curriculum and resources I find. I add to it when I find new goodies! It’s the most popular page on this blog, and I am SO glad y’all have found it helpful.
  2. Planning Your Year- This year, I shared with you how I pace my curriculum for the year, and included the printable forms needed to make it happen.
  3. Tackling Your Week- This post is an extension of the planning your year post, and has more resources for scheduling your time in a practical way.
  4. Keeping the Kids on Track– Kids getting off track is the one thing that hurts my homeschool more than anything else. This schedule system helps keep them focused, and keeps me sane.
  5. Homeschool Language Arts 1-6 for Free- I was so excited to find all these language arts materials for free that they really needed their own post. Good thing too, because it’s one of the most commonly searched for terms that leads people to this blog!
  6. Homeschool 101- Meet the Teacher (That’s You!)- This is probably the post that took me the most time this year. I rounded up resources from around the web to share different homeschool philosophies and help parents figure out where to start when they decide to homeschool.
  7. Home Library Organization-This is my favorite resource I shared this year. I love how nice and neat my books stay now that the responsibility for keeping them organized rests squarely on my children’s shoulders. It’s SO much easier to find what I need now too!
  8. Homeschool Art without Breaking the Bank-This year I did a LOT of art classes with the USO. I don’t use a curriculum, but instead use a few basic books, and a little creativity to get the lesson done. It’s easy to teach art- don’t be discouraged!
  9. Those Poor Un-Socialized Homeschool Kids-Talking about Homeschooled kids and socialization is probably the MOST controversial thing I have ever done on this blog. I still kind of love this post.
  10. Oak Meadow Review-I am so glad Oak Meadow made it into my top 10 viewed posts this year. It was a huge blessing to be able to review this curriculum. It’s a great fit for us, and I just love how simple it is to use, and how much flexibility it allows us. If you haven’t seen our review, I hope you check it out!


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