New to Homeschooling? Don’t Stress! Homeschool 101 is here!

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Are you new to homeschooling? Or maybe you’re considering homeschooling but aren’t sure how to get started. Yes, it can seem like an overwhelming job when you’re considering homeschooling or just starting to homeschool! But it doesn’t have to be stressful and exhausting. With a little help and guidance, you can start homeschooling without spending nights lying awake worrying or spending days biting your fingernails and trying not to cry!

You aren’t alone. It’s not as scary as you think. You CAN do this.

This article is your introduction to a series of articles just for new homeschooling families. This series will walk you through getting started, setting a budget, addressing the dreaded socialization question, and more! And hopefully it will give you the encouragement you need to get started confidently and with joy! After all, your kids will be grown and graduated before you know it, so you want to spend these years enjoying them as much as you can.

Reasons to Homeschool

There are many reasons to homeschool. I have a friend who began homeschooling because her son from a previous marriage needed a more flexible schedule in order to spend time with his biological dad. I have another friend who began homeschooling when her child’s Montessori school closed, and there wasn’t another option within driving distance. I started homeschooling because I have a special needs child whose educational needs were not being met by the public school she attended. Some parents choose to homeschool because they want to spend more time with their children as they grow up or because they want to allow their children more time to explore interests or to learn in a more relaxed and less stressful environment. Whatever your reason for deciding to homeschool, we’re here to support you!

Now What?

These articles will help you decide what to teach, how to teach, how to choose curriculum, how to make homeschooling work for your family and your schedule, and more! I’ll point you to articles right here on Only Passionate Curiosity as well as some articles on our sister site, Hip Homeschool Moms.  (If you see text in bold print, click on it to go to that article or link.)

Read the Whole Homeschooling 101 series!

Homeschool 101: Meet the Teacher (That’s YOU) & Homeschooling Methods 

Homeschooling 101: Your Child and how They Tick (Learning Styles)

Homeschooling 101: Set a Budget, Save a Buck

Homeschooling 101: The Socialization Question

Homeschooling 101: I Could NEVER Homeschool Because….

And don’t forget the Homeschool Scheduling 101 series!

Homeschool Scheduling 101: Planning Your Year

Homeschool Scheduling 101: Tackling Your Week

Homeschool Scheduling 101: Keeping Kids on Track (Printable Schedule System)


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  1. Looking forward to this series as I try to make my decision regarding homeschooling. I’d love to hear more (or be pointed toward some resources) about homeschooling while also working from home. Thanks!

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